Customer service: more progress to be made on waiting and repeating!
Freshworks, a customer engagement editor, conducted a study of 3000 consumers: “New Rules of Customer Engagement”. Six countries are covered by this study (France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, India and Australia) and 250 people were interviewed in France.
This study shows that the French are still rather indulgent with their favourite brands since only 40% of them have abandoned a brand following a bad experience.
The customer experience remains key and customer service is an important part of it. Who didn’t worry about having to call customer service?
The most important tension points are: the long wait before the problem is solved (24%), the difficulty in finding the number to contact the customer service (14%) and the change of contacts (12%).
In many companies, the different departments do not share customer information. Everything is compartmentalized and this can be felt on the customer’s path, which lacks fluidity. A customer would like the customer service department to be able to quickly retrieve his file during a contact.
And also, not to have to repeat elements that have already been given previously.
In addition, 12% of French clients want an almost immediate response from an agent (compared to 9% worldwide). 37% agree to wait 1 to 3 minutes. The limit is set at 5 minutes because beyond that, the percentage drops sharply.
Customer services still have room for improvement. And 55% of French respondents are willing to pay more for a better customer service experience (compared to 31% worldwide).
One of the ways to achieve this could be the generalization of artificial intelligence and chatbots….
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L’équipe LDB Mica Research
– Les clients français prêts à payer pour un meilleur service client
– L’angoisse d’appeler le service client : bientôt un vieux souvenir ?
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