A global survey, conducted with more than 287,000 consumers, reveals that it is necessary to change digital marketing from a data-centric model to a user-selectable model.
In France, only 26% of French people consider targeted ads to be useful… For half of the respondents, they are even identified as intrusive. And they give a poor image of the applications and/or websites that host them.
The survey also shows that nearly 9 out of 10 users, among the mobile users surveyed, are annoyed by the targeted messages (although 14% of respondents find them useful).
Today, data alone is not enough to create value for the user.
“From the moment users feel a form of intrusion, they are irritated by advertising, regardless of the relevance of the message delivered to them”. That is what says Jean Canzoneri, founder of Ogury, the digital mobile marketing platform which conducted this survey.
But that’s not all. The survey also reveals that 51% of French people think that such advertising messages not only give a bad image of the brand of the product highlighted. But also, of the application or website that hosts them.
If consumer appreciation is constantly undermined by irritating marketing messages, it is the activity of all actors that is in danger.
Respecting the user’s choices is the key to changing the perception that these users have of digital marketing: it is therefore necessary to offer them a clear choice and respect this choice.
In the long term, only organizations that place consumer choice and privacy at the heart of their digital marketing strategy will be able to sustain their business.
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– Les francais lassés du marketing digital – Strategies
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