Transport: Priority to reduce the carbon footprint
Despite worrying announcements by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in October 2018 – that global temperatures would rise by +1.5% between 2030 and 2052 if no measures were taken – a new study published in January 2019 by the Rhodium Group shows that no improvement has been made to try to slow global warming, particularly in the USA and China.
This study precises that the most energy-intensive sectors are: energy, transport, industry and construction.
The analysis also suggests that among these 4 energy-intensive items, transport is the one that has the most difficulty in reducing its carbon footprint.
The Transport sector, in its diversity, includes several modes: passenger or freight transport and air or maritime transport.
Let’s focus on the transport of goods:
In the field of road transport, working on the carbon footprint is a priority.
Thus, the Eurovignette Directive was specially designed by the EU to support each country in better organizing transport.
At the level of tolls, for example, an increase in taxes is targeted, taking into account the pollutant emissions of heavy vehicles.
This is not a discriminatory measure in itself. As the most environmentally friendly trucks (electric or compliant with specific environmental standards) will pay less at each toll.
The aim is not only to penalize polluters. But also to support the development of clean alternatives that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
An interesting example: the company GEODIS.
Since early 2018, GEODIS has been setting up a new multimodal freight transport line between Spain and Germany.
Since last summer, five to six trains a week have been using this route. Combined with a local “door-to-door” service, this alternative relieves congestion on European roads and reduces the carbon footprint of freight transport on this route.
Do you have an Automotive or Mobility survey project? Feel free to contact us.
We can advise you on a tailor-made methodology and assist you in your project.
The LDB Mica Research team
Preliminary US emissions estimates for 2018 – Rhodium Group